Can Dogs Eat Matzah?

Share the joy!

When the festive season rolls around, we often enjoy sharing our celebrations—and sometimes our food—with our four-legged friends. With the aroma of Matzah filling the air, it’s normal to wonder if your dog can nibble on this holiday staple. This blog post dives into everything you need to know about dogs and matzah.


Yes, dogs can eat matzah in small amounts. However, it doesn’t offer any nutritional benefits and could cause digestion issues if consumed in large quantities or by dogs with wheat sensitivities.

What is Matzah?

Matzah, also known as matzo, matza, or matzoh, is a type of unleavened bread traditionally eaten by Jews during the Passover festival. Unlike regular bread, matzah doesn’t rise because it’s made without yeast or any leavening agents. Essentially, it’s a simple flatbread, made from just flour and water. The ingredients are mixed and baked quickly to prevent the dough from rising, adhering to the Passover dietary rules that recall the haste with which the Israelites left Egypt, not having time to let their bread rise.

Can Dogs Eat Matzah?

You might be wondering if it’s safe to share some matzah with your furry friend during Passover celebrations or at any other time. The answer is yes, dogs can eat matzah, but there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure it’s done safely.

Safety Considerations

  • Ingredients: Matzah is made from flour and water, which are generally safe for dogs in small amounts. However, the lack of nutritional value means it shouldn’t replace regular dog food.
  • Digestibility: Because it’s a plain bread, matzah is digestible for dogs. However, its dry and crispy texture could be hard to chew for some dogs, especially small breeds or those with dental issues.

What Quantity of Matzah is Considered Safe for Dogs?

When giving matzah to your dog, it’s important to consider how much is safe. Just like any treat, it should make up only a small portion of your dog’s diet.

Safe Quantities

  • Small Dogs: A small piece, about the size of a bite or two, is sufficient.
  • Medium to Large Dogs: They can handle a slightly larger piece, but it should not be more than a quarter of a matzah sheet.


  • Occasional Treat: Matzah should be seen as an occasional treat, not a regular part of your dog’s diet.
  • Monitor: Always watch how your dog reacts to new foods. If you notice any unusual symptoms like discomfort, excessive thirst, or digestive issues, it’s best to avoid giving them matzah in the future.

Is Matzah Bad for Dogs?

The straightforward answer is: Matzah isn’t inherently bad for dogs, but it’s not exactly good for them either. It’s a bit like giving your dog plain crackers—fine in small amounts but lacking in nutritional value.

Points to Ponder

  • No Nutritional Benefit: Matzah doesn’t provide any vitamins or minerals beneficial to your dog’s diet.
  • Digestive Issues: Some dogs might find matzah hard to digest, especially if they consume too much or have sensitive stomachs.
  • Choking Hazard: Its dry and brittle texture can be a choking hazard, particularly for smaller dogs or those that tend to gulp down their food without chewing properly.

Considerations Before Feeding Your Dog Matzah

Before you decide to share your matzah with your dog, take a moment to consider a few things to ensure it’s a safe and enjoyable experience for your pet.

Know Your Dog

  • Allergies and Sensitivities: Be aware of your dog’s dietary restrictions or allergies. Although rare, some dogs might be allergic to wheat.
  • Dietary Needs: Dogs with specific dietary needs should avoid matzah. It’s best to stick to their prescribed diet.

Amount Matters

  • Treat Rule: Remember the 10% rule—treats, including matzah, should not make up more than 10% of your dog’s daily calorie intake.
  • Portion Control: Start with a small piece to see how your dog reacts. This can also help prevent any potential digestive issues.

Monitor Your Dog

  • Watch for Reactions: After giving your dog matzah for the first time, watch for any signs of discomfort or unusual behavior. Discontinue if you notice anything concerning.
  • Hydration: Ensure your dog drinks plenty of water, as matzah can be quite dry.

Are All Types of Matzah the Same?

When you wander down the Matzah aisle, or glance through online options, you might notice there isn’t just one type of matzah. There are actually several varieties including Plain Matzah, Egg Matzah, Whole Wheat Matzah and Flavored Matzah, and they’re not all created equal—especially when considering sharing them with your dog.

  1. Plain Matzah: This is your basic matzah made of flour and water. It’s the safest option if you choose to give your dog a nibble, as it lacks added ingredients that could be problematic for pets.
  2. Egg Matzah: This type is made with egg and fruit juice in addition to flour, offering a slightly richer flavor. However, the added ingredients mean it’s less ideal for dogs, especially those with sensitive stomachs or with specific dietary restrictions.
  3. Whole Wheat Matzah: As the name suggests, this matzah is made from whole wheat flour, providing a bit more fiber. While fiber is beneficial in a dog’s diet, the form in whole wheat matzah might not be the most beneficial, and whole grains can sometimes be harder for dogs to digest.
  4. Flavored Matzah: From onion to chocolate, there are many flavored matzah options available. These should definitely be avoided when thinking about sharing with your dog, as many of the added flavors and ingredients can be harmful or even toxic to pets.

Matzah Alternatives: Safe and Healthy Options for Dogs

While it might be tempting to share all facets of your diet with your four-legged friend, it’s essential to prioritize their health and nutritional needs. If you’re looking for safe and healthy alternatives to matzah for your dog, there are plenty of options that they’ll not only enjoy but which will also benefit their diet.

  1. Carrots: Crunchy and full of nutrients, carrots are a great low-calorie treat. They can help support dental health too by encouraging chewing.
  2. Apples (without seeds): Apples are a sweet, crunchy treat high in fiber and vitamins A and C. Just make sure to remove the core and seeds first, as they can be harmful.
  3. Plain, Cooked Pumpkin: A small amount of plain, cooked pumpkin can be a great source of fiber for dogs. It’s often used to help regulate a dog’s digestive system. Just steer clear of pumpkin pie filling, which contains added sugars and spices.
  4. Rice Cakes: Plain, unsalted rice cakes can be a good option for a crunchy treat. They are lower in calories and easier for dogs to digest than matzah.
  5. Green Beans: Raw or cooked, green beans are full of important vitamins and minerals, and they’re also low in calories. They can be a crunchy snack if served raw or a soft treat if cooked.


While a little matzah won’t harm your dog, it’s not the best treat choice due to its lack of nutrients and potential to cause digestion problems. Always prioritize your pet’s health and opt for healthier snack alternatives. Remember, when in doubt, go for treats made just for dogs. They’re the safest bet for keeping your four-legged friend both happy and healthy.

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